Published on: 2nd February, 2025

Spring Newsletter 5 (7.2.25)


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Grab and Go Order Forms

Communication into school…

Parents and Carers

I just wanted to take an opportunity to ask for your support in ensuring written communication gets into school to the right people.  Please be mindful that the priority for teachers will be teaching their class; they will respond to communication as soon as they are able. this email address should be used to report any absences or for any general administration queries such as clubs, trips etc.

Homelink book: for any messages that your child can bring to the teachers attention for that day.

Teachers email address: for anything that the teacher needs to know that impacts on them in school.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Year 6 SATs Workshop Slides

sat workshop 2025 pdf

Many thanks to the parents that attended our Yr 6 SATs workshop last night. For any parents that were unable to make the meeting, please find the slides attached to this post.

If you have any questions, please speak a member of the year 6 team.

SEND coffee afternoon

Monday 10th February we are holding a coffee afternoon with PODs at 1.45pm.

Please come along and enjoy a cuppa with us.


Children’s Mental Health Week – talking mat

This Talking Mat features Makaton Symbols relating to mental health and wellbeing. Try using this with your children to initiate conversation/ communication around their general and mental wellbeing.

Wellbeing talking mat

Yr 5/6 Girls Football

On Monday, the year 5/6 girl football team competed in round 3 of the County Cup. After going 1-0 down early on, the girls fought back and got the equaliser just before half time. After the break, the opposition scored two quick goals, again our girls came back strong and got one back. At 3-2, our girls were battling hard for the equaliser, playing some excellent football. However, it wasn’t to be, and the final whistle was blown. Well, done, you all played brilliantly, Mrs Wood is very proud of you.

Careers Fair – Thursday 13th February. 1.30pm – 3pm

Parents and Carers,

Can you help? This is a call out to anyone who can help with our Careers Fair or can suggest someone else who might be able to come along and support us. The fair will be set up in the hall on Thursday 13th February between 1.30pm and 3pm.

If you are available and would be happy to let the children talk to you about your job, then please get in touch.

Thank you,

Mr Rotherham


The Hub

NJS was delighted to be invited by Burton Borough School to join them with an after school visit to The Hub.  This was an opportunity for Year 6 to explore the facilities at The Hub and of course enjoy some refreshments!

Year 5 Lunch and Learn

We apologise for a swap between 5K and 5P for Lunch and Learn dates.

Please find below a letter with details:

Year 5 Lunch and Learn letter

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs M

We love working at NJS!

As SLT lead for Inclusion and Wellbeing at NJS, each term I give staff the opportunity to complete an anonymous survey. Here is a snapshot of some of the comments from the spring term. As you can see, we are a very proud and happy family of staff who feel lucky to work here!

Attendance Award 31st Jan – 6th Feb

Head teacher Awards 31st Jan – 6th Feb

House Points 31st Jan – 6th Feb

Diary Dates 10th-14th Feb

Clubs 10th-14th Feb

Art Club art inspired by the Royal Academy

Story Telling Week with Makaton

A big thank you to Mrs Case who came into school today to lead story time with 3M. Mrs Case who is a Makator tutor taught the children some actions and read them the story “Tiddler.”