REMINDERS for the pantomime visits next week:
Tuesday 12th December: Years 3 and 4
Wednesday 13th December: Years 5 and 6
*The visit takes place within the school day so drop off and pick up as normal.
*Children to wear school uniform.
*Children to bring a filled water bottle to take (water only) and a snack for the interval. Please can parents/carers ensure the snack is appropriate (we are allowing a sweet treat as this is a celebration however should children have large bags of sweets etc staff will have to remove them which will be disappointing for the children), we are suggesting: a small packet of sweets (e.g. mini bag of Haribo, small tube of Smarties), a piece of fruit or a small biscuit bar. Please can we ask that children DO NOT take nuts.
*The children will be back at school for lunch.
Thank you for your support, we are looking forward to our festive visit!