What a week for NJS…
We have had two positive cases of COVID amongst the staff, these are not linked, and isolated our Year 4 bubble and 5H as a result. Our thoughts are with our staff in hoping they feel better soon and of course with isolating staff and children in that they remain well.
Our school staff are incredible. It has been challenging for those in school as well as for those isolating at home and they have risen to yet another challenge. I would like to thank them all: they are a wonderful team who support each other and always do their very best for the children.
The caretaking and cleaning team at NJS are amazing. They are always incredibly thorough and take great pride in their work. This week they have carried out two deep cleans and used the fogging machine across the site: we cannot thank them enough for what they do for NJS.
Thank you to our supportive parents and carers who have contacted us to offer support to staff who are unwell and who are so supportive of the learning offer we are giving to those currently learning from home.
Thank you to our NJS children who make this job so worthwhile. It has been a pleasure to see those in school continuing to work so hard and engage so well. Seeing children who are self isolating engaging and smiling on Teams has made us very proud. The children have been very resilient in the circumstances we work in and they should be very proud of themselves.
There is nothing ‘easy’ personally or professionally about life in a pandemic but I know professionally I am very lucky to be part of NJS.
I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend.