Well done NJS – Newport Carnival Winners!

carn1 carn3 carn4Well done to everyone who contributed to our Carnival float on Saturday.  Thank you to Mr Moody who led our entry. Thank you to staff who supported with artwork and preparations.  Thank you to parents who helped on the day setting up, escorted the float, provided refreshments for staff and provided costumes!  A huge thank you to the children who as ever were amazing with their behaviour and enthusiasm.  We would also like to thank Stan Robinson Haulage, Peter Booth Electrical Contractors and Duignan Phelps Opticians who provided sponsorship for our float.

We were delighted to be overall winners in the Schools and Youth Group Category.  If you have any float pictures or a selfie with the cup please email them to Mrs Moody Nicola.moody@taw.org.uk for the website!