3PW reminders WC 24.6.24

Monday: Mrs P all day. SPORTS DAY! Come to school in PE kit including a house colour t shirt if possible. Remember suncream/hats/sunglasses if appropriate on the day. Families welcome from 1.30pm.

Tuesday: Mr Humphries AM, Mrs P PM. Swimming today! (swapped to today just for this week)

Wednesday: Mrs P AM, Mrs W PM. Session with Shropshire Cricket (please ensure that PE kit is in school today for this!)

Thursday: Mrs W all day. Summer Fair 2-3pm. You are welcome to collect your children and visit the fair together. If not, children can bring some spending money and visit the fair with a friend and be collected at usual hometime. We would really appreciate some donations ahead of the fair today, see Mr R’s poster!

Friday: Mrs W all day.

Well done for a brilliant week everyone, have a lovely sunny weekend! xxx