Hi 4NJ

We are thinking of you all, we are gutted you are in isolation again and all of the NJS family send you our very best wishes.

You should have received a Parent Mail from me with an invite to a Teams Meeting on Monday morning at 9.30am.  If you haven’t received this please email nicola.moody@taw.org.uk with your child’s name and I will send the link to you.

The email also explains that we will place exercise books in the drop box before 8.30am on Monday morning should you wish to collect one for your child to use whilst at home.  We will also, on a daily basis, place copies of the learning activities in there if this helps you.

If you have any issues with access to a device for accessing Teams Meetings or the learning please email nicola.moody@taw.org.uk

Take care everyone

Mrs M