Online Safeguarding Alert

We have received information from Public Health regarding a potentially sinister APP called Doki Doki,

They state:

‘We have been advised that there is a new APP that is going viral among many (primary and secondary) school age pupils.  The APP is called DOKI DOKI (literature club).

The game is advertised as a school dating app and does not require parental checks to download. It is a free APP and although users should be 13+ years children can easily agree to being over the age. Once downloaded, children have ready access to their own account.

The APP begins as a colourful and light-hearted game but takes a sinister turn within an hour of children playing where their online friend starts to talk about depression and eventually commits suicide.

The NSPCC Online Safety team are aware of the APP’s existence.’

We hope that sharing this information with you will help you to keep your child safe online.

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