Parents and Carers,
I have received a complaint from a neighbour on St Nicholas’ Park regarding parking at school collection times. It has been reported that parents are parking on private driveways and blocking access to private properties. The resident advised she has logged the issue with the Police.
I am also aware of parental concern regarding cars that park opposite the school gates: parking here makes it very difficult for pedestrians to cross the roads safely.
Please can I remind everyone about safe and considerate parking. We want to set the best example for our children showing consideration for others and their property and by parking in places that mean our roads and pavements remain safe for pedestrians.
I appreciate parking on roads local to NJS is tricky however as a school we recommend that you park on the Car Park besides Shuker Field or one of the town car parks and make the short walk safely to school. We also want to maintain good relationships with our neighbours and would appreciate your support with this.
NJS would appreciate your support in keeping our roads safe.