Wax Museum day – inspirational person choice

Dear Parents,

We are fast approaching the waxwork museum inspirational person day on our calendar, yet there are large numbers of children across year 3 who have yet to decide which person they will be dressing up as / researching.

Those children will be given a second letter and reply slip either today or tomorrow. Please write who they will be and return the slip by TOMORROW, Friday 17th January or Monday 20th January,  so that we can help the children to do work on their chosen person during next week’s English lessons.

This will also give you time to help them to create a costume to dress up in for the waxwork museum day next Friday (24th January).

Thank you to those who have already replied – we are really looking forward to what should be another fantastic display of your children’s efforts and we hope to see you next Friday afternoon.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team.