Year 6 Home Learning 6.1.21

Welcome back Y6, albeit not the New Year nor new term we expected.  We sincerely hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas break!

Home Learning will be posted online daily and one lesson will be delivered online by one of the three Y6 teachers.  Today’s lesson is being done by Mr Jones.

All completed work and work related questions can be directed to

Any individual questions regarding your child can be directed towards class teachers:

Today’s home learning is as follows:

Literacy – identifying genre features

UNANNOTATED – Diary entry

Lesson 1 06.01.21

Maths – multiplication –  recap of skills

Maths Wk 1

Reading – book review of something read over the Christmas holidays.

To write a book review 06.01.21

Wellbeing – complete the gratitude heart.

gratitude heart

Children are expected to complete work in home learning books provided before the Christmas break.  If anyone should require a new book please contact the school office and we will arrange for an alternative book to be placed in the drop box at the school gate.  Please encourage your child to keep their book tidy and present work to a high standard.

Take care of yourself!

Year 6 team x