I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.

We are all aware of the Red Weather Alert for Monday and Tuesday with rising temperatures.  We communicated some messages on Friday and wish to reiterate and extend some of these to ensure we keep our school community safe.



*Please can you apply sun cream to your child before they arrive at school.

*Please ensure that your child is sent to school with sun cream.  We cannot provide sun cream but we can supervise your child to reapply sun cream throughout the day.

*You MUST send your child to school with a filled water bottle.

*You are welcomed to send your child to school in PE kit/trainers if you feel this cooler than their school uniform.  We just ask no open toed shoes please.

*If your child has a ‘cooling spray’ or personal fan that they wish to bring to school they may do so.



*Make all classrooms as cool as we can.

*Adjust the school day to greatly minimise time spent outside.  Ten minutes maximum at a time for break and lunch and children encouraged to use shade at these times.

*Provide some ‘icey’ refreshments: if your child has allergies we will accommodate their needs.  If you are concerned about this please drop me an email or send something into school that we can keep cool for your child.



*BEECH’S BASE: it is much cooler under the shade of the trees so we plan for this to continue.  We will of course keep assessing the temperatures during the day.  Children attending Beech’s Base are invited to wear shorts and t shirt on this occasion and must apply sun cream and bring sun cream.

*SWIMMING: Will continue.  Children will be supervised to have a drink before they swim and a drink after they swim to maintain hydration.  Children will be supervised to reapply sun cream after their swim.

*PE: NO PE will take place Monday or Tuesday.

*ROCKSTEADY CONCERT: will take place on Tuesday morning at 10am for parents of band members and a very limited NJS audience.

COMMONWEALTH BATON EVENT: has been cancelled by Telford and Wrekin Council. Please remember to bring a packed lunch on Tuesday (those in receipt of Free School Meals will receive their order).


As always we will work together to ensure our school family is as comfortable and safe as we can.  We thank you for your support.

Mrs M