Thank you All

As you will be aware this morning we gave families the option to collect their children after 1 if they felt they wished to do so.

We wanted to thank you all for your patience whilst we coordinated this at 1o’clock today.  We are aware some of you waited a little while whilst we gathered your children and we are grateful to you for your support.  Huge thanks to the amazing staff who rallied round to locate and sign out your children safely.

Temperatures are set to be much cooler tomorrow so please can we ask that children return to uniform.  The school day will return to normal with the usual school meal service, break time and lunch times.  It would still be very sensible to send your child with a water bottle, sun hat and sun cream.

The children have been amazing over these last two days: we are so proud of how sensible they have been and how carefully they have followed our advice to keep safe.

Thank you NJS: parents/carers, children and staff. I am looking forward to a much cooler Wednesday!

Mrs M