Lichfield Reminders!

Good afternoon,

We are all looking forward to our trip to Lichfield tomorrow! Just a few reminders:

  1. Please arrive at school for 8:15am. We are hoping for an 8:30am departure.
  2. Packed lunches with plenty of drinks!
  3. With the weather being set to be very hot, ensure children are appropriately dressed in school uniform. This should also include a hat and sun cream!
  4. Any children who require medication for travel sickness, please pass this to your teacher in an envelope or box clearly labelled with your name and class. Your class teacher will pass it onto your group leader.
  5. We are leaving at approximately 2:30pm and will be due back at NJS for 3:30pm. Please keep an eye on the school Facebook in case we are stuck in traffic etc.

When we arrive back at school, we will quickly go back into the classroom and then head out onto the big yard for dismissal (just like a normal end of day).

Many thanks,

The Year 5 team!
