Leavers Day REMINDER!

Thursday 20th July will be ‘Year 6 Leavers Day’ with a range of activities planned for Year 6 to mark their last week at NJS.

The day will run as follows:

9am: Leavers Church Service at St Nicholas’ Church.  This is a whole school service. Year 6 parents and carers only are able to attend and we ask that this is limited to a maximum of 2 per Year 6 pupil.

Back in school the children will have the opportunity to have their shirts signed!  Please send the children with a spare item of NJS uniform that you are happy for them to have signed by staff and friends.  Please can children bring a Sharpie or other appropriate pen for them to be able to do this (they will not be able to use school stationery).

Leavers Lunch: Year 6 will be deciding the lunch menu with the catering team!   This menu will apply to the whole school:

Year 6 have chosen the Leavers Lunch for Thursday 20th July.

This will be the lunch served to the whole school on that day, not just Year 6.

Hot Dogs and rolls


Baked Beans


Quorn Sausages for vegetarians


Tomato and BBQ Sauce


Shortbread Biscuits

Ice Cream – Flake / Sauce and Sprinkles

3.30-5pm: Leavers Party! All Year 6 pupils are invited to a Leavers Party with the NJS staff team.  The children can bring a change of clothing (this should include trainers and comfortable clothing) for this party.  The children will take part in activities they have chosen with staff members and then be treated to chips and ice cream for a party tea!