5M First Week

We have a great first two days in 5M. The children have all settled excellently and have got back into the routine of school very quickly.

So far, we have focused on our British Values. We have looked at Individual Liberty and the rights we have as humans. We also looked at Democracy when the children voted for our School Councillors for 5M. Congratulations to Fayed and Eva on representing our class!

Today, we have looked at Tolerance and Mutual Respect, identifying our differences and being proud of them and proud of each other.  We also looked at the countries of Europe in Geography and the children impressed me with their fantastic mapping skills.

I also had the pleasure in announcing that Macie, Scarlett, Leon and Willow were chosen to be Librarians for Year 5, I know the 4 of them will do an excellent job.

Pictures will follow tomorrow of our first week. If you need to contact me, my email is
