4M – 500 Words Story Writing Competition

Morning Parents

Before half term I sent home parts of the children’s work for typing up and submitting for The BBC 500 Words Competition, which is something all children at NJS have been involved in preparing for across the last half term. The closing date is approaching and we need parental help to submit entries before the closing date of Friday 10th November. At present 4M only have two stories entered!!

Details about the competition and where to submit cab be found via this link:

500 Words Competition

The children have their stories planned and written – they just need to type it up and then submit – with your help – to the website above.

Ideally I would also like to receive copies of their stories and the certificates they receive for entering, so I can put them into their English books here at school.

Please support your child where you can or let me know and I can get a laptop for them to use one lunchtime!

Many thanks for your support

Mr M