Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park Visit – 20th JUNE

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park on Thursday 20th June with Year 2 as part of their transition. Children will need to arrive at school at 8:45 for the register and they will promptly leave at 9am. All children will need a packed lunch and a full water bottle unless you are in receipt of Free School Meals where school will provide a lunch for the day.

Children should be dressed in forest school type clothing which is weather appropriate (sun hat/cream OR waterproofs and wellies/sturdy footwear) that could get muddy! School uniform is not required. All belongings should be in a rucksack that the children can carry. We will be walking to the Deer Park and spending the majority of the day outside. There will be a range of activities that the children will engage with once they are there.

We can’t wait to take the children – fingers crossed for lovely weather!

If you have any questions please do speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team