Take a look at this page to delve into the teaching of science at Newport junior school. Science is a much appreciated subject in our school and children have high praise towards the subject. They find it enjoyable and important towards their futures.
Our curriculum overview exploring the three I’s and general outline of science can be found below.
NJS Science Curriculum Overview
At NJS we follow the National Curriculum ensuring all areas of knowledge are taught. We have a key focus on children building knowledge in areas throughout their time at school as they revisit topics in greater depth. This ensures children retain key facts and have the opportunity to delve deeper into areas of science they are interested in.
Click below to explore the progression of knowledge in science across the key stage.
NJS Science Progression
Assessment is important for the children as scientists and the teachers delivering science lessons, to understand how knowledge is retained helps us to build our curriculum. We regularly use assessment to ensure children are understanding the substantive and disciplinary knowledge across all topics.
Click below to look at our Assessment grids in detail.
NJS Science Assessment
As a Church Of England school we explore our science with reflection into the Christian faith. We understand how science can offer answers that will match or coincide with the teaching of the bible. We use the knowledge gained in science to help us explore our own spirituality and faith.
The progression of our spiritual focus can be seen in the form of spiritual sparks, these questions ask to combine faith and science to discuss ‘BIG’ questions. Click below to see the progression of our spiritual sparks.
NJS Science Progression
For further information into our science curriculum please explore the document below. Tis outlines our science policy.
NJS Science Policy
If you have further questions regarding science at NJS, please contact our science coordinator Elliott Lawson using the email ‘elliott.lawson@taw.org.uk’