Arthog – NEXT WEEK!!!

Hi All

Please find attached information for next week

– Kit List – Kit_List

– Packed Lunch is needed for Monday.

– Children need bedding – pillow case, bottom sheet & a duvet cover.


Arrival at NJS normal time – 8.45am, straight to the hall.

Departure from NJS at 9.10/15am at the latest.

Arrival back at NJS on Fri 11th will be via an email/text – this will be towards 4pm.

If you have any medical changes to the previously completed form – please speak to a member of staff on Monday morning or email myself and I will send you a copy.

Arthog have requested that the children complete a LTF test before they leave to ensure safety for all – please could you complete these before you leave home on Monday.

If you asked about your own child bringing their own dietary required food stuffs – this still stands; we would rather have too much than not enough!

Please email me if you require any further details.

Kindest regards

Mr M