Year 3 Homework Spring 2nd half

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find attached the Year 3 Homework and spelling tasks. Children should all have been given hard copies of this by now. Apologies for the late upload!

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2023

Homework for Spring 2nd half 2023 PDF version

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team..


3B Beech’s Base day

Class 3B enjoyed a fabulous day at the Base, with Mrs Yates, Mrs Dunscombe and Mr Leonard, taking part in parachute games, Egyptian bread-making, Egyptian Shadufs, painting hieroglyphs, Egyptian drama and the usual forest fun activities, foraging, den-building and making bird feeders!

Year 3 TTRS Rock Slam!

Go Year 3!!

Your class has been entered into a Battle of the Bands against the other Year 3 classes, so in about one week, we will see which class has scored the most correct answers and won the tournament!

Parents – please allow your children to take part in their DAILY TTRS practice (especially THIS week!), to allow them to contribute towards their class’s total score. Every correct answer will contribute towards their total score.

Rock ON!!