3T Aspirations week

For the school fair, 3T have been making coasters. Throughout the process, we have explored different designs, completed market research by asking each class at NJS their design preferences and they even had to present their ideas in a Dragon’s Den styled pitch in front of the daunting dragons of Mr Tipton, Ms Crompton and Miss Lockwood.

As a class the children and I have decided on the following prices:

NJS logo coaster: £1.50

Animal or Food and Drink design coaster: £1

NJS and an Animal/Food and drink coaster: £2

Year 3 Chetwynd Deer Park Visit Wednesday 7th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow Year 3 will be walking to Chetwynd Deer Park from school, to take part in transition activities with the upcoming Year 2 children.

Children need to come dressed in Beech’s Base clothing with suitable footwear. They may wear wellies/trainers – whichever you think is most suitable.

Please ensure your child has a packed lunch and drink, plus sun cream/sunhat appropriate to the weather. Children will arrive back in time for the end of the day and collect from the usual place.

Thanks, Year 3 team.

3T PE Update

3T Parents,

There will be a temporary change to our PE days for the next 3 weeks. We will still be swimming on Mondays so that will not change, but we will now be doing outdoor PE on Thursdays so please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school.

Any questions, please email me.

Thanks, Mr Tipton

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