4PW – Times Tables TTRS Heatmaps

Dear 4PW Parents and Carers,

By the end of the week, your child will come home with an updated TTRS heatmap in their homelink diaries. This shows the amazing progress we have all been making with our times tables recall! Please keep practicing as much as you can at home (not just TTRS, writing out in your homework book or chanting them on your daily dog walk – whatever works for you!). We are continuing daily times tables practice in school too.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Mrs P and Mrs W 🙂

4PW Christmas Craft-ernoon!

As our 10 class star treat we have had a Christmas Craft-ernoon! We have made various Christmas crafts and worn our party hats. We have had so much fun and made some beautiful keepsakes! A truly festive afternoon after our delicious Christmas dinner!

4PW Beeches Base – Tuesday 10th December

Just a reminder it is Beeches Base for 4PW tomorrow! Please remember to send children into school with lots of warm layers, waterproof clothing, shoes that can get dirty and a clean pair of shoes for inside school.

Please wrap up warm!
Mrs P

Year 4 Roman Day -Monday 9th December

Dear Parents and Carers,

With our Roman Day fast approaching (Monday 9th December) please could we urge you to complete the form on Parent Pay for our Roman Day with David Cadle. We have a large amount of children who still do not have permissions etc.

Many thanks for your support.

The Year 4 Team

Year 4 Christmas Performance Play Scripts

Dear Parents and Carers,

Most of the children will have come with a play script today. We would really appreciate if you could support your children to learn their lines – this can replace your daily reads and can be recorded in your reading records!

There are a handful of children who did not have a playscript this afternoon. They have not been forgotten and will receive their scripts tomorrow!

The children have also had a hand in picking their parts. We wanted to ensure everyone would feel happy and confident with what they were performing.

A costumes list will be provided by Wednesday 27th so you have time to organise costumes.

If you have questions or queries please contact your child’s class teacher.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team

4PW lunch and learn!

Thank you to all the parents who came to 4PW’s lunch and learn today! It was lovely to see you all – we hope you learnt a little something too!
Mrs P and Mrs W

Year 4 fun in the snow!

Year 4 went out and had some fun in the snow! The children had a great time and their smiles were priceless!

4PW – Beeches Base – New date

As 4PW’s Beeches Base has been postpone from today, a new date has been set! 4PW will attend Beeches Base on Tuesday 10th December. Please send your child in with warm layers and waterproofs (hat, gloves and scarves etc). They will also need a clean pair of shoes for inside school and a pair of wellies that can get muddy for Beeches Base.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mrs P

4PW Anti-bullying week assembly

4PW have taken part in the BBC Anti-bullying assembly this morning. We completed all of the activities and came up with some lovely ways to disagree respectfully. We understood the importance of respect and have been working really hard to listen to each other.

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