3PW Beeches Base Tomorrow (08.05.24)

Just another little reminder that 3PW have Beeches Base tomorrow (Wednesday 8th May) afternoon!

Children will need to wear own clothes that can get messy and muddy, they need clean shoes/trainers for walking around inside school and a pair of wellies for the mud when they are outside!

Can’t wait to get outside and do some learning in the mud!

Mrs P

Year 3 and 4 had a visit!

This morning Year 3 and 4 had a visit from Indi from Telford Gurdwara to talk about Sikhism. He was absolutely brilliant and gave us loads of information! Indi talked about the discipline he must follow in his life since he was baptised and talked all about the Gurdwara. He showed us the 5 K’s and explained what they meant to him and why he carries them. Did you know Sikhs are vegetarians and they never cut their hair! Sikhs believe that we are made in the image of God and God is perfect therefore we must look after what God has gifted to us. We learnt so much about Sikhism and the beliefs that Sikhs follow. Thank you Indi!

Year 3 Egyptian Day!

Year 3 have had a brilliant day in the hall with Mr Cadle learning about all aspects of Egyptian life!

We have learnt things about farming and the seasons, art, what Egyptians would have worn, games they would have played, the mummification process, hieroglyphics, where Egypt is and how people could have lived there. We also learnt about some of the Gods and Goddesses that Egyptians worshiped!

It has been such a great day!

Y3 Christmas Performance – Wednesday 7th December

Dear Parents,

Year 3 are so excited to be sharing their Christmas performance with you tomorrow!

The children will be sent home from school tomorrow WITH their costumes. Please can children return to school from 5:30 through the green security gate to enter school through the electric gates next to 3P IN THEIR COSTUMES. The children SHOULD COME TO SCHOOL DRESSED IN THEIR COSTUMES ready to perform. Children will then leave their coats in their classrooms ahead of the performance which starts at 6pm.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Christmas Play Costumes

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to all the families who bought their Christmas play costumes in this morning! We can’t wait to show you all the children’s hard work on Wednesday!

Please could we remind parents that we need the remaining costumes in the morning for our dress rehearsal which is tomorrow morning (Tuesday 6th December).

Please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher if you are having problems with sourcing a costume, we will do what we can to help.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Looking forward to seeing the remaining costumes tomorrow morning!

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Monday 12th reminders!

Just a quick reminder!

All year 3 children need a swimming kit with swimming cap for their swimming lesson on Monday.

3L need to come dressed in clothes that can get muddy ready for Beech’s Base with wellies/muddy shoes in a spare bag to change into.

Have a lovely weekend!
The Year 3 Team