Year 6 non-Arthog Day 5

We’ve come to the last day of our fun-filled week. The children opted to not have another day of getting cold and wet again! So similar clothes as Thursday please. The children do not have to wear school uniform but we ask that they are dressed in old, warm clothes that they don’t mind getting paint or mud on.

See you all tomorrow for our last Non-Arthog day!

Year 6 Non-Arthog Day 4

Dear parents,

Tomorrow the year 6 children need to come to school dressed in non school uniform. We are planning a fun day of art in the morning and a film in the afternoon. Please make sure that their clothes are old and ones that you don’t mind getting paint on.

We’re looking forward to yet another fun filled day!

See you tomorrow.

Non-Arthog Day 3 photos

All the children behaved really well on the walk to Greggs. We then walked to the park and enjoyed some time there.

Year 6 Non-Arthog Day 3

Just a reminder for Year 6 children that tomorrow is our walk and forest school session at The Wildlings.

We will be leaving school around 9.30am and returning before the end of the school day, at approximately 3pm. We will be there all day, so children need to bring a packed lunch, unless your child receives free school meals. Everyone will need to ensure that they have enough to drink for the day.

Children are not expected to be in school uniform tomorrow. We ask that they arrive to school in old, warm clothes and outdoor footwear. We also ask that children bring a waterproof coat in case of rain.

We are looking forward to another brilliant day with the Year 6 children!

Year 6 Wrekin Trip

Year 6 finished off their ‘Mountain’ topic this week, by going for a walk up the Wrekin. The plan was to climb the Wrekin and look at the view and note the different landscapes. Unfortunately, the weather had different plans for us! The whole year successfully climbed the Wrekin, but the visibility was so poor, we couldn’t see much! We all still had a brilliant time though.