6B art

Year 6 have been looking at the topic of ‘self portraits’ in art. This week 6B were looking at the artist Julian Opie and were trying to create their own self portrait in the style of Julian Opie. I was very impressed with their paintings. Well done!


Beech’s Base

Thank you so much to Miss Lockwood and Miss Whitehouse for 6B’s session at Beech’s Base on Wednesday. The children had the best time building trebuchets on the school field. This fit in with our topic of ‘angles’ in maths and looking at Tudor weapons.


Please can we remind children to bring in their own stationery. A lot of children have returned to school after the Christmas break without glue sticks, scissors, blue pens, rulers, green pens etc. All children’s stationery should be in a named pencil case.

Many thanks,

Year 6

6B PE tomorrow

Dear parents,

Can you ensure that all children in class 6B have their outdoor PE kits in school for a tag rugby lesson tomorrow (Wednesday) please?

This needs to be correct PE uniform: black or navy blue shorts/ joggers, white or house team coloured t-shirt and trainers.

Many thanks,

Mrs Bold

WW1 talk

Year 6 were very lucky to have a special guest come into school and give us a talk today. Mrs Davis told us about the impact that WWI had on the development of Prosthetic limbs, the NHS, and changes to the way in which people with disability were treated- such as the introduction of the Stoke Mandeville Games- a precursor to the Paralympics.  This was fascinating for us, as we’d spent a lot of time researching WW1 and the injuries that soldiers had sustained, for our narrative stories in English last week.

Thank you so much Mrs Davis. We really enjoyed it.


Haka time!

As part of our ‘dance’ topic, during PE, we have been looking at some New Zealand Hakas. We learnt some of the moves and how the moves are repeated in beats of 2 or 4. We then tried to create our own in groups of 5. Well done class 6B.