Revolting Rhymes

Class 6B have had a lot of fun today celebrating Roald Dahl day! We heard some of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes and created some of our own, during our English lesson. We then performed our rhymes to the class.
Mr Rotherham kindly set up a Roald Dahl character treasure hunt in the playground, where we tried to find twelve Roald Dahl characters.

Class 6B

A great first week back by class 6B! We have started our English topic, looking at the book ‘Varmints’ and have enjoyed reading the text. We have begun to read the book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ in our guided reading sessions, looking at key vocabulary within the text. We also had a fun PE lesson in the hall, using the apparatus.
Well done 6B!

Year 6 Thursday

Year 6 need to remember to meet us at church tomorrow morning. They also need a fabric pen for their shirt signing, a ‘bag for life’ to carry their books home and a change of clothing for their Leaver’s Party.

Year 6 Crucial Crew

A quick reminder to parents that year 6 are attending Crucial Crew at TCAT tomorrow. They MUST wear full school uniform, including correct footwear and green NJS cardigans/ jumpers. Please do not worry if your child has a medical reason or permission from Mrs Moody as to why they can’t wear correct footwear.
All children need to be in school at the earlier time of 8:30am, in order to leave promptly at 8:45am.
Children must have a packed lunch and drink with them, unless in receipt of Free School Meals and pre-ordered from the kitchen.
Please find attached the original letter.
Kind regards,
The Year 6 TeamY6 Crucial Crew letter

Year 6 Wildings Trip tomorrow

Please remember your summer forest school clothes for tomorrow, as well as hats and sunscreen! 6J and half of 6B ( they know who they are) need to come into school at the slightly earlier time of 8:30am. Remember your packed lunch too! Normal dismissal time of 3:15pm.
Thanks everyone.