6B Beech’s Base

Class 6B had a wonderful afternoon with Miss Lockwood yesterday. We have been doing ‘Theme Park’ maths in class this week and the children had a go at designing and building their own rollercoaster. Well done 6B and thank you Miss Lockwood!

6B Beech’s Base Thursday

Class 6B are going to Beech’s Base Thursday afternoon. Children to come to school wearing suitable forest school clothes, with spare clothes and shoes in their bags.


Alton Towers

Year 6 are VERY excited about our visit to Alton Towers tomorrow! Here are some reminders:

  • Arrive at school for 8:30am for an 8:45am departure.
  • Bring a packed lunch, unless in receipt of free school meals and pre-ordered from kitchen.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather, e.g., raincoat/ cap/
  • Wear closed-in shoes
  • If warm, pack sun cream
  • Pack a refillable water bottle
  • Children are allowed to bring £5 to spend in the gift shop.
  • We will be back at school for approximately 6:30pm. Please keep checking Facebook for a more accurate time.

Any questions, please feel free to email a member of the year 6 team.

Thank you

Alton Towers

Dear parents and carers,

Just a polite reminder that there are some overdue payments for the Alton Towers visit in May.   The second instalment was due 15/04/24 and the final instalment is due on 15/05/24. If insufficient funds are received it may be that we have to cancel the visit.

Kind regards,

The year 6 team

Year 6 Alton Towers trip

Dear parents,

Please find attached a letter inviting the year 6 children to Alton Towers on Wednesday 22nd May. All of the details are in the letter and it is live on ParentPay, with an option to pay in instalments.

Alton Towers letter 2024

Kind regards,

The year 6 team


10 class stars for 6B

Having reached 10 class stars, 6B will have a film on the afternoon of Friday 9th February. Children do not need to bring anything in, Mrs Bold will provide some snacks to have with the film.

If your child has any specific allergies, and you would prefer to send a snack of your own choosing, then please feel free.

6B art

Year 6 have been looking at the topic of ‘self portraits’ in art. This week 6B were looking at the artist Julian Opie and were trying to create their own self portrait in the style of Julian Opie. I was very impressed with their paintings. Well done!


Beech’s Base

Thank you so much to Miss Lockwood and Miss Whitehouse for 6B’s session at Beech’s Base on Wednesday. The children had the best time building trebuchets on the school field. This fit in with our topic of ‘angles’ in maths and looking at Tudor weapons.

6B Beech’s Base

A quick reminder to class 6B to come to school dressed in forest school clothes on Wednesday, ready for Beech’s Base in the afternoon. Children will not be able to participate without wellies.

Many thanks,


Please can we remind children to bring in their own stationery. A lot of children have returned to school after the Christmas break without glue sticks, scissors, blue pens, rulers, green pens etc. All children’s stationery should be in a named pencil case.

Many thanks,

Year 6

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