6B PE tomorrow

Dear parents,

Can you ensure that all children in class 6B have their outdoor PE kits in school for a tag rugby lesson tomorrow (Wednesday) please?

This needs to be correct PE uniform: black or navy blue shorts/ joggers, white or house team coloured t-shirt and trainers.

Many thanks,

Mrs Bold

Class 6B BB reminder!

Please remember that class 6B have Beech’s Base tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon! They will need to come to school wearing forest school clothes, with a spare pair of clothes and shoes in their bags. Thanks!

6B Tag rugby

Yesterday afternoon, class 6B enjoyed a tag rugby session by Ms Robson from BBS. We really enjoyed all the activities and learnt a lot of skills from the lesson.

6B Street dance

For the next lesson, in our dance unit in PE, class 6B learnt some Street Dance moves and choreographed their own dance routines. We will have a go at performing them next week.

Well done everyone.

WW1 talk

Year 6 were very lucky to have a special guest come into school and give us a talk today. Mrs Davis told us about the impact that WWI had on the development of Prosthetic limbs, the NHS, and changes to the way in which people with disability were treated- such as the introduction of the Stoke Mandeville Games- a precursor to the Paralympics.  This was fascinating for us, as we’d spent a lot of time researching WW1 and the injuries that soldiers had sustained, for our narrative stories in English last week.

Thank you so much Mrs Davis. We really enjoyed it.


Haka time!

As part of our ‘dance’ topic, during PE, we have been looking at some New Zealand Hakas. We learnt some of the moves and how the moves are repeated in beats of 2 or 4. We then tried to create our own in groups of 5. Well done class 6B.

6B art lesson

This week, 6B have started their new art topic of ‘Landscapes’. We began by looking at the painting ‘The Flora of the Heath’ by Paul Klee. We created our own painting, using poster paint, using Paul Klee’s as inspiration.

Well done 6B.

6B earlier start on Tuesday

Dear parents of 6B,
As you know, Explorer Dome are coming to visit year 6 on the morning of Tuesday 24th October. The first show begins at 8:45am, so please could I ask that members of class 6B only come to school at the earlier time of 8:30am.
Thank you.

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