Resources Plea!

Dear parents,

As we are coming to the end of the year, staff have been busy sorting through resources for next year. Unfortunately, lots of year 6 books from the shared area, and NJS library books have gone missing throughout the course of the year. Please could we ask you to check in bookcases, under beds, in cupboards etc and check to see if any NJS books have gotten mixed up with your own. We are also very short on scissors and rulers, so please can we ask that your child brings in any NJS resources in the next few weeks.

If you are having a summer sort-out, we would be very grateful to receive any reading books, that belong to you, but are no longer needed at home.

Thanks in advance.
The year 6 team.

Green and yellow swim gala

The swim gala for green and yellow houses is on Thursday afternoon at Newport swimming pool. We will leave school at approximately 1:20pm. For any parents who want to watch, we will be racing between 2pm and 3pm. You are welcome to take your child when they have changed, or we will walk back to school together, ready to dismiss at 3:15pm.
Many thanks,
The year 6 team.

Reminder for year 6

Please remember to bring in your plain white t-shirt to school on Thursday for tie-dying! Thanks.

Year 6 non-transition children on Wednesday

Please can all year 6 children, who are not attending a transition day with their new school on Wednesday, come to school wearing their PE kit.

URGENT year 6 t-shirts!

It’s an NJS tradition that year 6 have a go at tie-dying a t-shirt at the end of year 6. Please can ALL year 6 children bring a plain white t-shirt into school for Thursday 29th June.
The t-shirt does not need to be new; an old one will work great. Please make sure that the t-shirts are named.
Many thanks,
The year 6 team.

Headteacher’s Awards

Well done to all of the children who received a Headteacher’s Award last week!

Year 6 sports day and swim gala

Dear parents,
Year 6 sports day will be on the field at 10am Thursday morning. Please keep your eye on social media and the school website for an update on the weather. The weather forecast looks rainy, however we will make a judgement as early as possible, as to whether sports day goes ahead or not.

Children need to come to school dressed in their house colour, black shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers. If they are in blue or red team, they also need to bring their swim kits.

The swim gala for blue and red team is at Newport pool from 2-3pm. Please ensure your child brings a waterproof coat in case of rain to and from the pool.


Year 6 Road Safety Workshops

All three year 6 classes have enjoyed their Road Safety Workshops this week. The things they have learnt or been reminded about will prove to be invaluable for keeping them safe in the future.

6B Beech’s Base Monday

Dear parents and carers,
Class 6B will be going to Beech’s Base Monday afternoon. Please remember to wear appropriate summer forest school clothes. All children need to have arms and legs covered and old, closed-in footwear.
Don’t forget sunscreen/ hats/ waterproof clothing!
Mrs Bold

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