A few reminders to parents about the upcoming trip to Alton Towers for our year 6 children on Tuesday 23rd May:
-Children MUST be in school for 8:30am, as the coach is leaving at 8:45am.
-Children with asthma must bring their own inhalers into school.
-Unless otherwise stated, and in receipt of Free School Meals, children to bring a packed lunch and plenty of drinks.
-Children are allowed to bring up to £5 to spend in Alton Towers gift shop, if they wish to.
-Please ensure children wear comfortable, closed in shoes for the day.
-Make sure your child has packed a light, waterproof coat.
-Depending on the weather that day, your child may need sunscreen and a hat.
-Children to leave mobile phones in school, as normal. The adult in their groups will take photos.
-We are due to be back in school at approximately 6:30pm, traffic dependent. Please ensure that you keep an eye on Facebook and the school website for updates on time back to school.
Many thanks,
The year 6 team.