Year 6 Police visit

Year 6 were lucky to receive a visit from Carl, a PCSO for Telford this morning. He spoke to the children about anti-social behaviour and how the police are there to help. A really informative chat by Carl!

Year 6 swimming Monday

A quick reminder that year 6 are swimming Monday. Don’t forget your kits! See you all tomorrow.

Year 6 Alton Towers

A few reminders to parents about the upcoming trip to Alton Towers for our year 6 children on Tuesday 23rd May:

-Children MUST be in school for 8:30am, as the coach is leaving at 8:45am.
-Children with asthma must bring their own inhalers into school.
-Unless otherwise stated, and in receipt of Free School Meals, children to bring a packed lunch and plenty of drinks.
-Children are allowed to bring up to £5 to spend in Alton Towers gift shop, if they wish to.
-Please ensure children wear comfortable, closed in shoes for the day.
-Make sure your child has packed a light, waterproof coat.
-Depending on the weather that day, your child may need sunscreen and a hat.
-Children to leave mobile phones in school, as normal. The adult in their groups will take photos.
-We are due to be back in school at approximately 6:30pm, traffic dependent. Please ensure that you keep an eye on Facebook and the school website for updates on time back to school.

Many thanks,

The year 6 team.

Year 6 Alton Towers

A reminder for parents to go on ParentPay and tick permission and pay for the Alton Towers trip please.
Unfortunately, if we do not have sufficient contributions, the trip will not be going ahead.

Many thanks,
The Year 6 Team

Well done Lucy!

A massive well done to Lucy for having her hair chopped off last night and donating 12 inches of hair to The Little Princess Trust! What a fantastic achievement Lucy and we are so proud of you!

Year Shrewsbury Trip

Just a reminder that we need parents to go on to Parent Pay and give consent for their child to go on the Shrewsbury Trip please! The trip is planned for Monday 27th March.

HTA at Beech’s Base

Well done to all of the children who received a head teacher’s award. What a lovely way to celebrate, in Beech’s Base, with biscuits and roasted marshmallows. Thanks for getting the fire started Miss Potter!


After a tough week doing assessments in year 6, it was lovely to get the apparatus out in the hall and have a fun PE session!

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