We have a very kind team of parent/carer helpers coming to sort out the Lost Property box on Thursday.

They will sort through the items ensuring any with names are returned to children (we try to keep on top of this but may miss some) and will lay out the rest of the items for parents to claim.

Please make your way to the front of the school office on Thursday 3.15pm onwards to reclaim your lost property!

Any still unclaimed after Easter will be placed in our pre loved uniform store or taken to a local charity shop.

Thank you for your support.

World Book Day TOMORROW!

Just a reminder tomorrow is WORLD BOOK DAY!

Your child is welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite book character!

If parents/carers would like to stay for a short parade of our wonderful characters (including staff) please make your way to the main playground, after the usual drop off point, and we will bring the children out.

Please stand around the edge of the playground, outside of the cones and we will parade the characters in the middle.

See you all in the morning!

Year 6: checking your child’s device…

Year 6 parents and carers

I had a conversation with the Year 6 children yesterday about the language some of them are using when using messaging platforms on their phones or other devices.  I was clear that I know they would not use this language in front of adults or to others in person and therefore they should not do this on messaging platforms as it is upsetting.

Please can I emphasise our ongoing advice about routinely checking your child’s phone/device and supporting them to act appropriately when they send or receive difficult messages.

Lots of advice can be found here: https://eephonesmart.co.uk/online-safety-tips/talking-to-child-online-safety/ to support you.  Please do contact us if you feel you need further support.

Mrs M