Harvest Festival!

On Thursday 20th October at 2.45pm we are holding our Harvest Festival in the school hall.  Parents are very welcome to join us.

Please can we ask for food donations ahead of this celebration which we can collate for the Salvation Army who support people in our local communities.

Thank you in advance of your support.  Mrs M x

Grandparents Open Lunch!

We are looking forward to welcoming Grandparents into school on Wednesday 5th October at 12pm to celebrate National Grandparents Day this week.

We needed numbers for this lunch by Friday to ensure sufficient food was ordered.  Due to the number of additional requests this week we are holding a further Grandparents Lunch on Wednesday 12th October.  If you wish to attend you must return your slip by Thursday 6th October please.

Looking forward to lunch with the Grandparents. Mrs M x

Mrs M’s Challenge!

I had a lovely lunch today with this weeks ‘Top Table’ – well done everyone!

Well done to Sophie Bowen-Thomas 5M for completing Mrs Moody’s Newsletter Challenge this week.

Mrs M x

Mrs M’s Challenge!

Well done to Edward and D’Arcy who both completed this weeks challenge which was to learn a song from the 1980’s!  I thoroughly enjoyed watching your videos!

Mrs M x

Top Table!

Thank you to all of the pupils who joined me on the top table today!  We enjoyed sharing our lunch together with our purple plates, cups and trays!  I am looking forward to lunch next week with the children who receive Head teachers awards.  Mrs M x

Year 6 parent workshop!

The hall is currently packed with enthusiastic Year 6 parents who are completing a SPAG test!  Children are teaching their parents about grammatically correct sentences, use of an apostrophe, adjectives and subordinate clauses.

Year 5 Open Lunch!

Year 5 parents and children are currently working hard in their workshop developing their sentence structure skills!


Year 3 invite family into class!

Year 3 parents and family members were welcomed into classes to join the children for lessons this morning.  The lesson had a grammar focus, developing the understanding of sentence structure.  The hard work was followed by a scrummy roast dinner!  Thank you to everyone who came along.


French maths with year 3!


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