4M and 4J BBS PE Visit

4M and 4J are visiting Burton Borough School for a PE lesson on Wednesday afternoon.  The children need to have their PE kits in school for this.

You have already given full permission for this visit in the Home School Agreement pack at the start of the academic year, any concerns please contact Mr Marsh or Mrs Jukes.

We are looking forward to a great PE experience.

Y3/4 Tournament Winners

One of our teams on Friday won the morning tournament of the Y3/4 tournament! This means that we will go to AFC Telford’s ground New Bucks Head for the grand final against the winners of the afternoon tournament on Thursday 4th May.

More details will be given once we have them, but it promises to be an exciting evening for our boys playing in a real football stadium.

4M and 4J

4M and 4J have come together today to complete their own Coat of Arms. This is something both classes have spent all day researching, designing and creating their  own shields.

We can’t wait to see the finished shields once they have dried.