Y5 Reminders

Please send your child into school with a sturdy plastic carrier bag over the next two days (17th July/18th July), so that we can give them completed class exercise books and display work / completed homework projects to take home.
Also, a reminder that it is Year 6 leavers Church Assembly on Thursday 18th July. Please take your child directly to church for 8.45am.

5M Beech’s Base 5/7/24

Just a reminder that 5M are in the Forest tomorrow afternoon with Miss Lockwood and Mrs Wood so the children can be in their outdoor clothes tomorrow please. Wellies are still advised please due to the muddy nature of the Forest. These can be brought in alongside trainers for the morning.

Mr Marsh

5P Art Thursday PM

Could all 5P students remember to bring in an Art shirt please for tomorrow afternoon. They will be painting with Mrs Yates all afternoon.

Y5 Grammar Test Familiarisation Morning 8/7/24

Dr Hibbs from Haberdashers’ Adams will be in school on Monday 8th July  for a 1 hour entrance test familiarisation session. This session is open to all boys who have registered for the test, and all girls who selected to share data with Haberdashers’ Adams on the test application form. If you would like your child to attend, please consent on ParentPay so we have an idea of numbers.

Please note that this is not a tutoring session – children will learn more about what to expect on the day and receive a copy of the free booklets provided by GL to bring home.

(also available here https://11plus.gl-assessment.co.uk/free-materials/).

This will be in the morning facilitated by Dr Hibbs and Mr Marsh.

5M Reminders 1/7/24

Monday – Mr Marsh PPA. Ms Branton in 5M.

Tuesday – Transition Day

Wednesday – PE Kits please

Thursday – Library and General Election Day

Friday – 5M Beech’s Base PM with Miss Lockwood and Mrs Wood

5M Weekly Reminders

Monday – Mosque Trip AM and PE PM

Thursday – Library PM

Friday – PE PM

Quiet week means lots of learning 😊


5M Weekly Reminders

Tuesday – Mr Marsh at Y6 Boys Cricket Tournament. Miss Willington in class. Please bring P.E. kits for Athletics tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday – Mr Marsh PPA. Ms Branton in class. D Day at 80 Commemorations. Library.

Friday – P.E. kits for Cricket please.

P.E. will be Cricket and Athletics this half term.

I will send weekly updates due to trips, sports days, transition days that always mean Summer 2 is a busy but definitely the best half term!

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