
Wednesday 15th March, 2023

NJS Science Art

To continue with our science day activities we found our inner artist and created our very own Jackson Pollock.

This one was with a twist, every child had a paint filled canister ready to blow and the result is fantastic!

We saw first hand the power of a solid turning into a gas as the canisters bounced around the room covering the canvas, and ouselves in the process. (apologies!)

What a fantastic science day! I hope the children enjoyed it as much as I did! Ask them the fun we have had and see if you can learn something new as well!!

Wednesday 15th March, 2023

NJS Science Day 2023

Children and staff enjoyed a fabulous assembly today, led by Mr Lawson, our resident Science expert, on the subject of Solids, Liquids and Gases, watching how they can change state, the theme of this year’s Science Week!

Breaking solids

 Melting ice with Mr Leonard!

Making Elephant Toothpaste!

Tuesday 14th March, 2023

5M Brass Taster session

The BBS’ Big Band came into school today to give Yr 5 a brass taster session- they hope to recruit new members to the BBS Big Band! A letter will follow on from todays session. The children in 5M did brilliantly well and thoroughly enjoyed their session! 

Monday 13th March, 2023

Manor Adventure – Kit List

As Manor Adventure is fast approaching and with Easter just around the corner, now is a good time to start thinking about our residential.

Via ParentPay we have already received the documents required for medical and dietary needs and I have passed these on to the centre. If there are any changed to this please let me know ASAP.

Please find attached a suggested kit list for Manor Adventure. May I suggest the older the clothes the better and NO jeans/denim – it also suggests a camera but this is also a NO, as each member of the NJS staff will be taking and uploading photos during our stay. Everything else on the kit list is required

if you need any further assistance please contact me.


Kit List – kit list

Kindest regards

Mr M