
Thursday 11th April, 2024

Summer Term Trips – Year 4

Good Afternoon,

Children should have brought home a letter today with details of two trips during the summer term (details below). Please be aware that the first of these trips is on Wednesday 17th April which is next week! We will send reminders out for both events.

On Wednesday 17th April – half day. The children will be attending Chetwynd Deer Park to complete Spring Explorers Activities. This is a day run by the Volunteers at the Deer Park that includes pond dipping, nature activities and bug eating challenges!  The children will need to wear usual Forest Fun clothing and suitable footwear – not forgetting a small rucksack to carry a water bottle, snack and any waterproofs needed. Children will walk to the Deer Park with school staff.

On Tuesday 4th June – All day; 8.30-3.30pm. The children be attending Lichfield Cathedral. The children will be exploring the theme of ‘Spirituality, Well-being and Courageous advocacy’ concepts which are found within spiritual development. The children will engage with interactive stations and explore what each theme means for people of faith as well as what it means for us in our everyday lives. For this trip, we will leave at 8:30am and arrive back at school for 3:30pm. Children will require a packed lunch for this trip and will need to be at school for 8:15am for a prompt departure at 8.30am. Any children who are in receipt of free school meals will have a meal provided for them from our school kitchen. Children should wear usual school uniform for this trip.

To attend these trips, we require a voluntary contribution of £11.00 to help towards transport costs which, along with permission, will be accessible via your ParentPay account.

Thank you for your support,

Team Year 4

Tuesday 9th April, 2024

Cross Country: FINAL REMINDER!

Mr Lawson issued letters with permission slips for the cross country event on the 16th April before Easter.

Thank you to all of those who have returned their slips.

Please can we ask that all outstanding slips are returned to the office tomorrow so we can finalise our entries ready for Tuesday.

Thank you for your support.