
Thursday 8th February, 2024

Art Club

Art club have enjoyed creating the big frieze today.

Thursday 8th February, 2024

5J’s Waxwork Museum

5J are very excited about being part of the NJS waxwork museum today. All of the children look fabulous & have worked so hard on their biographies. Well done everyone.

Thursday 8th February, 2024


Good morning everyone,

I hope that you have found the resources shared this week helpful. Tomorrow, the children will all be completing some tasks within the classroom. Look out for any posts about this from the teachers!

I am going to leave this final resource in the hope that it helps! Positive affirmations are a fantastic tool to support children with a variety of emotions. They help children think positively which can support a change in mindset.

Positive Affirmations

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

Wednesday 7th February, 2024

Y5/6 Cricket

We had an amazing time at the T&W Indoor Cricket tournament today. We were the only school to enter two sides and we competed well during the tournament.

Wednesday 7th February, 2024


Good morning everyone,

Today, I am going to share some fantastic techniques to support children when needed. The first is a breathing technique and helps children focus to support feeling calm.

Star Breathing

Another technique I would suggest is the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method. This is great for helping children stop and focus on what is around them. This is really useful if children feel overwhelmed and can support helping them to stay calm.

5 4 3 2 1 – Grounding Mindfulness technique

I hope that you find these useful!

Mrs Ollerenshaw

Tuesday 6th February, 2024


Good morning everyone,

Following on from my post yesterday, I thought I would share a fantastic resource produced by Place2be. This year is the 10th year of Children’s mental health week by Place2be. Below you will find some top tips for families as well as some great conversation starters.

CMHW – Top Tips for Families

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw