
Monday 5th February, 2024

Wax Work Museum REMINDERS!

Thursday 8th February: Wax Work Museum Day!


*To enable children to learn about an inspirational personality, challenges they have overcome and an understanding of what they have achieved.

*To produce a quality piece of writing for an audience.


-Children can attend school on Thursday dressed as their chosen personality.

-Parents/carers are invited to view the Wax Work Museum in two slots:

Years 3 and 4: 2-2.20pm

Years 5 and 6: 2.40-3pm.

If you have children in both upper and lower school you can choose a slot to attend as all children will partake in both museums!  We will ask that parents/carers wait at their usual gates at 3pm so we can pack the children up and dismiss them.

-At 2pm and 2.40pm parents/carers need to wait at the security gate, a member of staff will collect the queue which will ‘snake around’ our wax work museum.

We are looking forward to it!

Mrs M

Monday 5th February, 2024


This week is the official Place2Be Children’s Mental Health Week!

Children’s mental health week is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children! At NJS, we will be supporting children’s mental health week and completing a variety of tasks throughout the school week. This year the theme is…

Keep an eye out for what we get up to this week! I will also be sharing a variety of resources each day to support with any conversations you may have at home.

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw