
Sunday 7th January, 2024

Beech’s Base Date Reminder!

9th January 6K

10th January 6J

16th January 5M

17th January 6B

23rd January 5P

24th January 5J

30th January 4M

31st January 4N

6th February 3B

7th February 3T

20th February 4OP

21st February 3L

27th February 5P

28th February 5J

5th March 3B

6th March 4N

12th March 4OP

13th March 4M

19th March 5M

20th March 3L

On a Beech’s Base day your child can come to school in their outdoor clothes which should include long trousers and long sleeves, wellies or very old trainers and waterproofs.

Sunday 7th January, 2024

Swimming Starts Tomorrow!

Year 3: Mondays

Year 6: Tuesdays

On a swimming day please ensure your child has a swimming costume/trunks, towel, goggles and swimming cap.  Please ensure all clothing is labelled with their name.

Sunday 7th January, 2024

PE Kit

Please can PE kits be in school all week.  They can be stored in children’s lockers and will be returned home on a Friday.

Sunday 7th January, 2024

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year 2024 Wishes | Philadelphia PA

We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break and send you all our very best wishes for 2024.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.