
Friday 27th January, 2017

Arthog Day 5 – The Final Hours!

After a fantastic last morning at Arthog, here are some final team photos!

Well done to all Year 5 children on the trip this week. They have had a brilliant time and have shown great courage, determination and team work. It has been a pleasure to spend the week with them and they should all be very proud of their achievements. Now for a well-deserved restful weekend!

Miss H, Mr M, Mrs Jukes, Mrs Gilmour and Mrs Follos x


Thursday 26th January, 2017

Arthog Day 4: Miss H’s Group

We had a special new member of our team today – Ollie the spaniel! He belongs to instructor Libby and made our whole week! The children spent the  day throwing him tennis balls, cuddling him and playing on the beach with him while he dug a huuuuge hole!

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Thursday 26th January, 2017

Arthog Day 4 – Miss H’s Group!

We have had a fantastic day at the Nant Gwernol gorge, which is above the Talyllyn Valley in Abergynolwyn. We followed The Quarryman’s Trail which took us to Bryn Eglwys, a 19th century slate quarry and mine. We particularly enjoyed the wind-up listening posts which told the stories of the quarrymen and their families!


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Thursday 26th January, 2017

6S Clarice Cliff Art Work with Mrs J
