
Thursday 23rd November, 2023

5J have enjoyed making Circuits with Crumble software today!

5J have enjoyed learning how to programme circuits to make LED lights work with Crumble software.

Thursday 23rd November, 2023

Be Bright Be Seen Walking Bus 23/11/23

NJS took part in a Telford and Wrekin initiative supporting travel to school. The initiative “Be Bright, Be Seen” encouraged children and adults to wear brighter clothing on their walk to school, promoting road safety.
Well done to all the children and parents who were able to join us on the walk this morning.

Wednesday 22nd November, 2023

IMPORTANT: Year 6 Whats App

We recommend that where children have access to social media apps that parents/carers regularly check the content of messages exchanged and who with to ensure their child is safe.

Please can we ask Year 6 parents/carers to check their child’s Whats App groups that you are aware of the content of what your child is saying to others and who they are communicating with.

Please can we remind you about guidance on Whats App:

Idle CE (A) Primary School - ONLINE SAFETY - Info for Parents