
Tuesday 9th June, 2015

Year 6 open lunch

Parents were invited into school today to design a theme park!

Monday 8th June, 2015

Fun Run Challenge 

Hello to all the local primary / junior schools!
There is a handsome shield to be presented (not on the day of the Carnival, unfortunately – the results will have to be processed first) to the school with the greatest proportion of pupils taking part over the 3 races!
After the Lilleshall race Sheriffhales had a narrow lead, with Moorfield, Hinstock and Church Aston breathing down their necks. I have still to access the results of the Sheriffhales Shuffle fun run (unfortunately the results ‘guru’ is in France at the moment), but there seemed to be a preponderance of Sheriffhales pupils there, so the other schools will need to turn out in force for the Carnival race to be in contention for the shield.
Please encourage your pupils to take part, and to wear their school colours (which give the young racers a sense of belonging and make the race so much more of a spectacle for the supporters).
The Fun Run starts at 11.15 (with the adults 10K race starting at 11.45)
The Sheriffhales race started slightly late because of the last minute rush of entrants. It will help everyone if the youngsters bring a completed entry form to registration (attached here) and their £2 coin, so that admin and change giving is kept to a minumum, and present themselves at registration by 10.30.
Many thanks for supporting local events and encouraging activity and fitness among your youngsters … perhaps there’s the next Mo Farah or Jess Ennis-Hill among your pupils!
Rodney Jones, Newport and District Young Runners’ Coordinator.

Saturday 6th June, 2015

Colomendy 2015


Friday 5th June, 2015

6m Assembly

Well done to 6M for their class assembly today, thank you to the parents who came along. 


Thursday 4th June, 2015

Year 6 Photography Workshop

Some year 6 children visited Chetwynd Deer Park this morning to take part in a photography workshop ahead of Newport Show on the 11th July.  Photographs will be displayed in the Schools Marquee.


Tuesday 2nd June, 2015

School Council Rewards

The School Council have been debating what other ways we can recognise the children who are nominated for a HeadTeachers Award. So far those children receive a Postcard home and have the opportunity to sit on chairs for the following weeks assemblies rather than sit on the floor! 

The school council have also decided that each winning child will be given a raffle ticket for a prize draw. 

All the winners tickets will go into a prize draw which will be drawn out at the end of each half term.

Tuesday 2nd June, 2015

Year 3/4 Trip to Birmingham (2nd June 15)

Year 3/4 had a fantastic time on our trip to the city of Birmingham. We saw lots of new things and identified the main features of a city. we conducted traffic surveys, visited the museum, went inside the think tank and did lots of sight seeing. Here are a selection of photos from certain groups.
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