Class 3B had a fab 2nd day at NJS!

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 enjoyed a democratic vote today, to vote for their School Council representatives and Worship Leader! Ask your child for details!

We also completed some Maths and English and read some of our class reader, ‘The Minpins’,  by Roald Dahl.

Children should have brought their Reading Records and their Home link Books home yesterday and today, and should bring these in every day.

3B will be doing PE on Mondays and Swimming on Tuesdays for this half term. Please ensure they bring the appropriate kit on on those days. Generally, they need to bring in their PE kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday.

Also, just a reminder that you are invited to an Information meeting for Year 3 parents and carers, on Monday 9th January at 3:30pm in 3B, and repeated at 4pm. This meeting will give you general info about the year, staffing in the year group, trips and activities etc, with the chance to ask general questions about the school/ year group.

Finally, please send in your child’s information sheet with medical info, emergency telephone numbers etc, that you received at the end of July term, if you have not yet done so. These vital documents will allow us to call you about your child in the event of an emergency.

Thank you for your support,

Mr Butler

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