Comic Relief – Friday

Comic Relief Day is this Friday and the School Council have been giving some thought as to how we can help raise money.

On Friday children can come to school dressed in their pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers! (A change of shoes will be needed for walking to school and for playing outside at playtime).  Children can of course come in mufti if they would rather!   Children will pay £1 to come in their PJs/mufti.

Children may also wear their Red Noses if they have one.

We will be holding a Danceathon during the day, where all classes will have time in the hall to dance for Red Nose Day.

As well as this the school council will to start a Joke Box Challenge.

For a donation of 20p children can put a joke into the Joke Box. They may add more than one joke, but each joke will be 20p.

Teachers will be asked to pull out jokes from the joke box to share with the whole school in assembly that day.

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