Messy Maths Day

A huge thank you to the staff for their support with Messy Maths Day at NJS. The aim of today was to show children that the maths we learn in school has real-life, practical use outside of the classroom.

Yr 3 spent time looking at position, directions and shape out on the school field. They also spent time looking at coins and how to give change correctly.

Yr 4 spent the morning looking at budgeting in finance. How did they choose to spend their £1,000?

Yr 5 got to draw on the tables! Lines were used to create intersecting angles which children then measured, as well as looking at angles around school.

Yr 6 worked with Mr Yates – a local accountant – who introduced the children to the concept of profit and loss. A farming scenario allowed children to see how money can be made through a process including taxes and investments.

Hopefully the children enjoyed the day and realised that Maths is all around them in life. Please keep an eye on your year groups’ website area to see individual photos from today.


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