We will be holding our annual Harvest Festival on Wednesday 21st October.
We would be very grateful for donations, on this date, for Newport Foodbank. We would be very proud to support our local community with donations. The Foodbank are most in need of: tinned meat, tinned fruit, coffee, tinned vegetables, UHT milk and tinned puddings. They have plenty of tinned beans and soup! Please can donations be ‘in date’ otherwise sadly the Foodbank have to throw them away. Trolleys will be positioned by both gates on the morning of the 21st for donations to be placed into.
On this date we will have the ‘premiere’ of our Harvest Service. Over the next couple of weeks classes will rehearse and perform a contribution to our service. These will be collated into a video on our school You Tube channel for families to enjoy at home. PLEASE NOTE: if you have not consented to your child’s photo being used online then they will not appear on the video of this performance. If you wish to amend your permission please email lynne.stanley@taw.org.uk
Thank you, as always, for your support.