Please find attached feedback from a Parent View Questionnaire completed January 2023:
Parent Questionnaire January 2023 Feedback
* Parents are welcome to ‘pop in’ to see class teachers before the start of the school day.
*At the end of the school day class teachers accompany the children out to meet their parents on the yard. Parents are very welcome to talk to class teachers.
*All children have a ‘Home Link Book’. This is used to record messages from school and can be used by parents to send messages into school. We do rely on the children to show us these messages!
*Parents are very welcome to telephone the class teacher at their convenience and many class teachers are happy to share their school email address to support communication.
*The school newsletter is sent out weekly through emails from the school website. Newsletters inform parents about all aspects of school life; children’s achievements, key dates, after school clubs, curriculum and general messages.
*The news section on the school website is very useful for parents. It will keep you informed of learning and other curriculum activities as well as important dates and messages.

*Parents are always welcome and often keen to volunteer in school in a variety of ways so that they can engage in the culture of the school. Some parents volunteer in classes, support clubs, are members of the PTA Committee or support events such as Newport Carnival, Raising Aspirations or sporting events,
*Termly parents evenings take place where the class teacher meets with parents to discuss the well being, learning and progress of the child.
*Open lunches and workshops take place termly in all year groups. Between 11am and 12pm a lesson is held which parents are invited to attend. We aim to use these sessions as an opportunity for parents to experience school life and enjoy learning with their child. The leadership team also set learning contexts that support school development priorities or respond to requests from parents. The lesson is followed by lunch!
*Parent Action Group meet half termly led by Mr Moody. All parents are very welcome to attend these meetings and they are well advertised on the school newsletter. These are an opportunity for parents to discuss school strengths and to give their ideas for development. School staff also use Parent Action Group to consult with on school policies and initiatives.
*We regularly promote the use of OFSTED Parent View. Questionnaires are sent home regularly, usually termly and allow parents to respond openly.
We are very keen to engage our parents in learning and with school life. This is a feature of Newport CE Junior School which we are especially proud of.