Our P.T.A. was formed in September 1988 to further relationships between school parents and staff, and to provide extras above those catered for in the school budget. The aim of our P.T.A. is to make parents feel comfortable in their relationship with staff and to broaden social activities within the school. We hold our A.G.M. in the Autumn Term to which ALL parents are cordially invited and are able to vote for new representatives.
We are very grateful for the support that is given to the school through our P.T.A. in their social activities for children and parents and in the way they raise funds to help resource and equip school projects. If you are interested in joining the P.T.A. they are always keen to welcome new members. For more details please contact Mrs R Crompton – Chair of the P.T.A.
PTA Facebook Page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/newportjuniorschoolpta