You can read more documents relating to our Governing body over on our Governance page:
Governance Page
The school has a close working relationship with its Governors who are drawn from all areas of the community. They are parents, teachers, Council Representatives, members of the Church and businessmen and women from the local area who work alongside the Head in both supporting and challenging the school.
The Governors have an active role in the school attending school events and visiting the school in both an formal and informal manner, in so doing providing the local authority and parents alike with an assurance that we are providing the best education possible for our children.

Mr Laurie Boardman, Chair of Governors
Link Governor for: Safeguarding, Prevent, Health and Safety, GDPR, Behaviour, PE
Co-opted, Term of Office started 12.4.2019
I have been associated with NJS since arriving in Newport in Dec 2007, initially, as a parent and a supporter of the PTA. Both my daughters attended the school, with both of them now having completed their education and they are now embarking on their individual careers.
I became a governor in Oct 2012, became deputy Chair in Apr 2016 and have been Chair of Governors since Oct 2016. I am passionate about the role of the governing body and the role we play in ensuring that all children whilst at NJS achieve the best they can and that they do this in a safe, caring and nurturing educational environment.
My background is in engineering and program management, having served 35 yrs in the Royal Air Force as Engineering Officer. I am now very much a civilian and I currently work for Ultra Electronics in Rugeley, managing the companies Quality and In-Service Support departments.

Mrs Claire Bowen, Vice Chair, Local Authority Governor
Link Governor for: SEND, Safeguarding, Music, RSE and History
Term of office started: March 2021
I have worked for Telford and Wrekin since I started teaching over 20 years ago. I have taught in both primary and secondary schools and am currently the Deputy Headteacher of The Linden Centre. I have been involved with NJS since September 2018 when my son started in Year 3. I am passionate about getting the best outcomes for Children and Young People. I am fully committed as a school governor and am excited to work with the school on their journey to outstanding.

Mrs Nicola Moody, Head teacher
I have worked at Newport CE Junior School since 2005. I was appointed Acting Head teacher in September 2016 and permanent from January 2017.
I am extremely proud of the children we have at NJS and am committed to ensuring we achieve the very best provision for them. High quality provision can be achieved through a close and effective working relationship between staff, parents and Governors. It is essential we work together to drive school improvement.
My skills are in effective Teaching and Learning. I lead on assessment and I am a Maths Specialist Teacher.
I am also a busy mum to two boys who keep me active and entertained!
Reverend Merry Smith: Clergy
Link Governor for: English, Wellbeing, PSHE and Safeguarding
As the new Rector of the Newport with Longford Parish it is both a joy and a pleasure that my role requires me to be heavily involved with NJS. Having been called to priesthood from the classroom (albeit in a Secondary school context) I have a real love of education and of the opportunity schools have to help children grow into caring, confident, inquisitive, healthy youngsters who are aware of their spiritual, emotional and intellectual needs.
As a governor I will be particularly interested in how staff and pupils are both individually and corporately able to develop skills and gifts – in the round, to become fully who they are.
It is important for me that as a Christian School; compassion, patience, hope, joy and acceptance are at the heart of the curriculum and the pastoral care of children and staff.

Mr Mark Yates, Co-opted Community Governor
Link Governor for: Finance, Pupil Premium, Geography, MFL, Geography and Maths
Term of office started 13.3.2018
I have lived in Newport since 2002 having grown up in nearby Sheriffhales. I have been associated with NJS since 2014 when my son joined the school (then to Haberdasher Adams) and my daughter followed in 2018 (then to Burton Borough). I initially joined the Governing body as a parent governor and gained a much greater appreciation for how our children are educated at NJS. I was subsequently co-opted as a Community Governor and have responsibility for Finance, Maths, Geography, Modern Foreign Language (MFL) and Pupil Premium. My highlights as a Governor and Parent at NJS include the refurbishment of the Swimming Pool, the outdoor reading area, adventure play area, 3 x new classrooms and the establishment of Beech’s Base.

Mr Max Jones, Staff Governor
Term of office started: 9.5.2017
I began teaching at Newport Juniors in September 2014; and have taught in both upper and lower school. In September 2015 I became a Year 6 teacher and have remained there to date; I thoroughly enjoy working in this year group and thrive on the challenges and complexity it provides.
I attended Newport Juniors as a child and have fond memories of my time here, so was delighted when I was appointed as a member of staff to continue my strong affiliation with the school. Following my time at The Burton Borough School, I attended Aberystwyth University where I gained a BSc Honours Degree in Business & Management, before then completing my PGCE teacher training course through The West Midlands Consortium.
In addition to my teaching role within school, I also lead on both Maths and Beliefs & Values; as well as being a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
I have a keen interest in the theory of education and how children learn. I enjoy reading about current and future pedagogical approaches and potential developments in the world of education; something which I strongly believe helps me to achieve success within my role at school. I have recently undertaken my National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership and have began working as a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) in primary mathematics.
Aside from this, I am an avid fan of football, rugby league and snooker and follow both Liverpool F.C. and Warrington Wolves respectively.
I was appointed as Staff Governor in November 2016 and have so far enjoyed learning about the school from a different perspective. I have strong aspirations for leadership myself and know that being a Staff Governor will allow me the opportunity to develop the necessary strategic leadership skills to help Newport Juniors achieve an outstanding future.

Mrs Lesley Green, Co-opted Governor
Link Governor for: Children in Care, Safeguarding
Co-opted, Term of office started 13.4.2019
I have worked at Newport Junior School for 33 years. I am married and I have 3 children who also, like myself, came to this school.
I am the School Business Manager and I am also a Guide Leader and a Rainbow Leader. I am a Lay reader at Church Aston church.
I am also the Child Protection/Safeguarding governor for Newport Junior School.
I believe the role of a school governor to be a very important one, working closely with children, staff and parents to achieve an outstanding school.
VACANCY , Foundation Governor

Mrs Sarah Case, Parent Governor
Link Governor for: English, Art, History
My involvement with NJS started in September 2021 when my son started in Year 3.
I am passionate about an inclusive education for all, enabling all children to be taught in the way that best enables them all to reach their full potential, via a combination of classroom, outdoor learning & personal enrichment via school trips, residentials and extra curricular activities. As a Parent Governor at NJS I will be particularly interested in ensuring that this is achieved via continuous improvement.
Prior to having my son I worked in Sales & Marketing for 20 years across the FMCG sector.

Mr Marc Bates, Parent Governor
Link Governor for: Science, Website Compliance and Computing.
Term of office started: May 2022
My family moved to Newport in 2016, and during that time all three of my daughters have attended Newport Junior, with two now at high school. NJS provided a huge amount of opportunities for them during their time here and I was delighted to be elected as a Parent Governor in 2022, not only to give something back but to ensure the school continues to build on their strengths for future generations of pupils.
Professionally, I have worked in the field of data & analytics for over 20 years working with a variety of public, private and government clients and spent several years as a director of my own consultancy business. I am currently working in Banking, helping teams harness cloud software to design AI applications covering marketing, risk management and market segmentation.