We love reading at Newport Junior School and want all our children to share in the pleasure that can be gained by a love of books!

We believe children move from ‘Learning to read to reading to Learn’
By this children will learn the skills of learning to read, through regular Guided Reading sessions with the teacher, through reading to another adult or with a peer.
Children will develop strategies to tackle tricky words, building on the phonics learnt in KS1 and using other strategies too, such as reading around the word.
For those children where further phonics learning is required we plan targeted interventions using Read Write Inc materials.
Guided Reading gives children the opportunity to develop their thinking about the books they read. It is a chance to explore the plot, the characters and the author’s intentions. We extend our children’s thinking through challenging questions and statements.
Children read widely, from a range of text types and genres. They make use of our excellent library and book boxes. Those children who still need support have access to a matched phonic book or a book aimed at engaging reluctant readers.
Reading is used to support learning. Through books children engage with the topics they are discovering and can explore the world in which they live. Reading happens across the whole curriculum.
As a way of showing our love for reading teachers regularly read to their class. We believe there is value and pleasure to be had in sharing a book together and finding out where that story takes us!
We want our children to be skilled and enthusiastic readers.

Our Reading Curriculum
Newport Junior School Guide to Reading for Parents 2024
Reading Assessment Grids 2024
We produce regular Reading Newsletters for our school community:
Newsletter 25 Newsletter 26 Newsletter 27 Newsletter 28 Newsletter 29 Newsletter 30 Newsletter 31
Newsletter 19 Newsletter 20 Newsletter 21 Newsletter 22 – Book Week.Newsletter 23 Newsletter 24
Newsletter 18 Newsletter 17Newsletter 16Newsletter 15Newsletter 14 Newsletter 13 Newsletter 12 Newsletter 11 Newsletter 10 Newsletter 9 Newsletter 8 Newsletter 7 Christmas Reading Newsletter Newsletter 5 Newsletter 4 Newsletter 3 Newsletter 2 Newsletter 1
NJS Phonics Overview
NJS Reading Curriculum Overview
Reading Book Year Planner
Reading Progression at NJS