Finally! We’re on! Whoop!
We can only apologise for the delay which was out of our hands.
Year 3 families and new starters in Years 4, 5 and 6 your activation letters (in envelopes) will be sent home with your children this evening. Your letter contains your unique log in and instructions to get started.
Please can we ask that you urgently activate your ParentPay account because….
Clubs will go live tomorrow afternoon and residentials on Tuesday.
Just a reminder ahead of clubs going live tomorrow…
Clubs at NJS are FREE and run by our own amazing team of staff. They volunteer their time to pursue an interest with the children and I am very grateful for this. In return we ask:
*Parents/carers are punctual to collect children from after school clubs at 4pm from the main green gates onto the main playground.
*If parents/carers sign children up to a club they are expected to attend: two occasions of non attendance we will contact you to discuss removing your child from the register to enable another child to attend.
*We ask that the children sign up to a maximum of two clubs that have limited numbers (you could sign up to choir and drama in addition) so that everyone has chance to join. If we find you have signed up to three we will sadly have to remove you from the registers.
*Clubs will NEVER be cancelled on the day: if a staff member is unwell or the weather makes the activity difficult to complete we will arrange an alternative in school so we don’t disrupt your collection arrangements.
*IMPORTANT: clubs may be cancelled with a weeks notice, we avoid this but sometimes it isn’t possible. Please ensure you check the weekly newsletter that your child’s club will be on the following week.
If a club isn’t showing on ParentPay this means no places are remaining.
If a club is showing and you ‘checkout’ for this club then you have a place and your child will be expected to start next week.
Please note children in Years 5 and 6 can go to Maths Club on a Wednesday.